If you bring us a contract with a better offer, we guarantee to either beat that rate or pay you $500.

Inventory and Supply Chain Risk

Buy Inventory Now to Combat Supply Chain Risk

Buy Inventory Now to Combat Supply Chain Risk

Do you think your small business’s inventory management has worked out well? Have you been able to access the right products when you’ve needed them?

Did you miss out on sales because of a lack of inventory or lack of capital?

War, inflation, shortages, and worldwide conflicts affect your business.

What can you do to combat it? 

Is your small business currently dealing with any of these challenges?

Is this the time to borrow money? We will address this challenge head-on. 

More than ever, small businesses are raising their prices.

In January 2022, the net percentage of small business owners who raised prices rose 61%.

According to the National Federation of Independent Businesses, this increase was the highest reading since 1974. It is up from 74% in December.

The inflation spiral leads to higher prices for finished goods, higher wages, and longer lifespans due to the rising cost of raw materials.

There is a direct correlation between higher inventory, supplies, and labor costs and higher prices for small business owners, according to the NFIB.

The Challenges:

The market will inevitably change as a result of the current global conflicts.

The Federal Reserve (Fed) indicates that interest rates will rise soon because of rising inflation.

To better prepare, many businesses are stockpiling cash in light of the current state of world affairs.

The Solutions:

According to the Top 5 Small Business Inflation Strategies, you will likely be able to pay back the loan with less expensive money than what you borrowed because of low-interest rates and high inflation. 

When inflation is high, it’s a good idea to look for opportunities to invest your loan proceeds.

Use Loan Proceeds to Your Advantage.

Marketing that enhances and distinguishes your company’s identity (to build pricing power)

Property and equipment

Inventory Investments

Rare or bulk-discounted stock is available

Suppliers and customers of other businesses


Is There Anything You Can Do as a Small Businesses to Prepare?

Examine Your Financial Situation

Take a look to make sure you have enough cash reserves in your bank account to cover a rise in interest rates by checking your bank statements now.

Maintain or improve your credit rating to increase your borrowing options.

Find out the differences between SBA and term loans and how much you can save on your loan costs.

Minor rate increases won’t impact your borrowing because borrowing rates are at historic lows. 

What can we learn from the funding trends of 2021?

76% of small businesses requested funding of less than $250,000

Customers of small business loans were only able to meet 48 percent of their financing needs.

Many small businesses are dissatisfied with high-interest rates from other online lenders.

Sunwise Capital is the place to be right now. 

We help small businesses connect with banks by providing an SBA or term loan at a low-interest rate.

Prices and Demand

Financing and strategic planning are always affected by the state of your industry. 

Cash Strategy

When interest rates rise, there is a pressing need for smart capital. 


Banks want to lend money to small businesses, and it is in your best interest to steer clear of unscrupulous lenders and secure the best possible loan terms. 


Owners need cash quickly. Applying is free of charge. You only need a few minutes of your time.

Online lender Sunwise Capital has a network of banks that provide SBA loans. We speed up the SBA loan application process and assist with the application itself.

With a network of preferred SBA and other lending banks, we help our clients increase their chances of getting a loan by using the most likely banks to approve their applications.

Products We’re Providing

Lending options are available through the Small Business Administration (7a).

Between $30,000 and $350,000 is the maximum loan amount.

Working capital, debt refinancing, and new equipment purchases are examples of the use of funds.


37.5 percent on $30,001-$49,999 in Prime Income

Between $50K and $350K, Prime + 2.75 percent

a 10-year loan with no penalties for early repayment

Term Loans from the Bank.

$30K to $500 thousand is the max loan amount.

New Equipment Purchase, Debt Refinance, Working Capital


From 6.99% to 29.99 percent (based on loan term, credit, and financial profile of applicant) as a fixed rate

No penalty for early repayment for a 2- to 5-year loan

To Qualify, Apply Here.


Basics of Inventory and Supply Chain Management for Small Businesses

Supply Chain Management

To ensure that your small business is on track for success, it’s essential to conduct regular business assessments. Inventory management is a critical part of your business.

Did you lose money because you had too much stock on hand?

We follow up on securing capital with basic inventory management techniques. The remainder of this article discusses what to look for in good inventory management and some best inventory management practices.


What is inventory management?

Supply chains are complex networks of people, processes, products, information, and technology that connect suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, customers, and consumers.

They are critical to the success of any business and are also vulnerable to disruption.

Inventory shortages can cause significant financial losses and damaged brand reputation.

Ask yourself what you’ll do if your business faces a supply chain crisis?

First, identify the problem. Then take steps to prevent future disruptions.

Here are four ways to buy inventory now to combat supply-chain risk:

1. Buy Inventory Now to Combat Supply Chain Risk

Buy inventory now to combat supply risk.

When you buy inventory now, you’re buying it at a discount, which means you pay less than you would later.

This strategy buys you time to prepare for potential supply-chain disruptions.

For example, if you buy inventory now, you won’t have to rush to find another supplier after a major supplier goes out of business.

2. Create a Plan to Prevent Future Disruptions

Create a plan to prevent future disruptions. The number one step is to identify the risks.

Then create a plan to mitigate those risks.

Next, implement the plan.

Finally, evaluate whether the plan worked. If not, adjust the plan.

3. Use Technology to Improve Supply Chains

Use technology to improve supply chains.

Technology can help companies monitor their supply chains, and it can also help them manage inventories better.

For example, an online platform can track shipments and provide real-time updates about the location of shipments.

Companies can use this data to optimize their supply chains.

For instance, they can determine which warehouses are most efficient.

Or they can compare shipping costs between different locations.

The bottom line:

Buy inventory now to avoid supply-chain disruptions. Then create a plan to prevent future ones. Implement the plan. Evaluate whether the plan worked. Adjust if necessary.

4. Learn How to Manage Risk

 Learn how to manage risk. Risk management is vital to every business. But it’s especially crucial for companies that face supply-chain risk. Managing risk requires understanding the risks and potential disruption and reducing the likelihood of problems occurring.

Here are some ways to help you manage risk:

Identify the Risks: Identifying risks is the first step to managing them.

These could include:

manage Risks

What are the 5 types of inventories?

1) raw materials

2) work in process

3) finished goods

4) obsolete or scrap

5) financial assets

Dead stock

Deadstock is any item that is purchased but not used.

Examples of dead stock include:

* Parts you have not assembled

* Unused inventory items

Why is inventory control important for a small business?

Inventory helps you manage your cash flow and make sure you have enough money to pay bills, buy supplies, and cover payroll.

Customer Expectations

Your customers expect products to arrive on time.

They want to know when you will deliver their order.

If you don’t meet these expectations, they may stop doing business with you.

That means losing sales and revenue.

Competitive Advantage

A competitive advantage is something that gives your company an edge over competitors.

It allows you to charge more than your competitors without raising prices.

You can also offer better service and quality.

This advantage helps you stand out from the crowd.  

How do I know if my inventory levels are too high or low?

If your inventory levels are too high, you may be able to sell more products at higher prices.

However, if your inventory levels are too low, you might not be able to meet customers’ needs.

Inventory Analysis

Why does inventory fluctuate?

Supply and demand affect inventory levels. When there’s a lot of need for something, suppliers increase production.

When there’s less demand, they reduce output. 

When the supply of a product increases, manufacturers lower their prices.

When the demand for a product decreases, retailers raise their prices.  

How do I balance my inventory?

You know you can’t always control what happens outside your company.

The best strategy is to keep enough safety inventory on hand so that you don’t run out when unexpected events occur.

Excess inventory means you’ll have to spend more money because you’ll run out of money and have to pay for more storage space. 

The loss of revenue due to lack of business inventory and a lack of customer confidence in your ability to offer the products you claim to sell directly results from having too little stock.

Customer Satisfaction

The most common reason your customers are unhappy with their service providers is poor customer satisfaction.

It’s also one of the main reasons why companies fail.

Customer satisfaction is an intangible asset that has a significant impact on the success of any organization. 

How do I manage inventory effectively for a business in steps?

1) identify what needs to be inventoried

2) determine how much inventory should be kept

3) decide where it will be stored

4) determine which items are critical

5) set up procedures for keeping track of inventory


What is an inventory management system, and how important is it for business?

An inventory management system is a set of processes designed to track inventories and provide information about them.

Any business needs to have an effective inventory management system because it allows you to keep track of your inventory to purchase when you need it.

What are the issues business owners face around inventory management?

Many things go into keeping inventory at the right level. 

Here are some common problems:

1) not having a good plan for inventory control

2) not knowing how to calculate inventory quantities

3) not being able to forecast accurately


What is the difference between stock and inventory?

Stock refers to items that are on hand but not yet sold. Inventory refers to things that have been sold and are currently available for sale.

Products in your inventory are those you make available for sale to the public, and the items you keep in stock are both the finished goods you sell and the raw materials and equipment you use to produce them.


Conclusion: Managing Your Business Inventory and Combating Supply Chain Risk

To ensure that your business is on track for success, it’s essential to conduct regular business assessments. Inventory management is critical to the success of your company.

What are the results of your inventory management efforts as a small business? Has the product you needed been readily available? Did you miss out on sales because of a lack of inventory? Or did you suffer a loss due to a scarcity of funds?

Maintain a positive bottom line by cutting costs, increasing cash flow, and working with a lender to provide you with the working capital you need.

Mark 7

Mark J. Kane, Founder & CEO of Sunwise Capital, is a distinguished entrepreneur with over 16 years in business financing. Beginning as a psychologist, he quickly became a trailblazing Hospital Administrator. Mark has built multiple ventures, notably accelerating a startup to $18M within months. His transition to Sunwise Capital stems from a deep-seated desire to empower business owners with strategic financial solutions. Recognized for his expertise, Mark's leadership at Sunwise Capital reflects his commitment to fostering business growth and success. Click the link to read more about the author.

Take Your Business Further With A Loan From Sunwise Capital